My World: Floating Mosque

This is called the Floating Mosque and it is located right on the Red Sea in Jeddah, in the midst of many beautiful sculptures that are located there along the Corniche. When it is high tide, this mosque appears to be literally floating in the Red Sea. This photo was taken at low tide and you can see the support beams or stilts to the right. You can also see the bridge that people must walk over to gain access to the mosque from the parking lot. It is quite beautiful when the tide is high, but unfortunately I don’t have any photos to show you. This is one of several mosques located right along the Red Sea here in Jeddah.


Well, That’s My World for this week! That’s My World! offers a unique glimpse at life all over our planet. Take a peek at other people’s lives from all over the world by visiting That’s My World!

About SusieOfArabia

American woman now living in hubby's homeland of Saudi Arabia
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24 Responses to My World: Floating Mosque

  1. Pingback: The Floating Mosque – Corniche, Jeddah « JEDDAH DAILY PHOTO JOURNAL

  2. Pingback: My World: Gas Station Mosques (400th Post!) « JEDDAH DAILY PHOTO JOURNAL

  3. Fishing Guy says:

    Susie: That is certainly an amazing structure.

  4. Judy says:

    Just catching up on a weeks worth of blogs and as usual, your blog has some extraordinary sights to see. Love the gates as I am a fan of doors myself.

  5. Erin says:

    beautiful mosque…
    as always thank you for sharing your world with us. i so enjoy seeing what you will share with us each week.
    have a wonderful evening.

  6. Lily says:

    this is really neat, such a creative design for a spiritual building.

  7. Arija says:

    A beautiful photo and structure.

  8. nadia says:

    I can imagine how beautiful this mosque must look during the high tide! Love the picture, Susie 🙂

  9. babooshka says:

    Floating Mosque! Whatever next. Each post has something so mysterious. It is true your world has so many hidden gems.

  10. zeal4adventure says:

    Nice looking mosque and I love it that out in the water. Would love to see it during high tide. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  11. M.Kate says:

    Lovely and very similar to our floating mosque too.

  12. Geogypsy says:

    An interesting mosque. I’d love to see that at high tide.

    The canyon makes me smile. Come for a visit.

  13. J says:

    a very elegant building, and a clever use of space.

  14. This is a beauty in its finest with a mosque seemingly floating in the red sea. Truly, the Middle East is home to some of the best and sometimes unknown wonders in the world. In Dubai, I’ve seen The Palm and I must admit that I’m amazed at that structure. – Ana

  15. I hope you one day can take a photo of it when it’s high tide. It’s amazing even with the tide out, though!

  16. Carver says:

    What an interesting mosque. It’s beautiful at low tide but I can imagine that it’s incredible at high tide. Your world is so fascinating to me never having been to that part of the world.

  17. Indrani says:

    Floating mosque?! Reading of one for the first time. That is what MWT is for!

  18. SandyCarlson says:

    Amazing. The architect who designed this must be a romantic!

  19. Alicesg says:

    Very lovely photo of the mosque. Never see a floating mosque before.

  20. ewok1993 says:

    you have a fascinating world.

  21. Trish says:

    Beautiful mosque

  22. sylvia says:

    I can only echo what Jacob has said. I look forward to the very different and amazing sights you have to show us each week and I do look forward to them. And it is true, most of us would never know they were there let alone get to see them. This is a gorgeous shot! Thank you so much for sharing not only the photos but the interesting background as well. Have a great week!

  23. Jacob says:

    That’s quite incredible. You have so many amazing sights to show the world, sights that most of would never even know about, much less see…so for that, thank you!

  24. m_m says:

    Great! Beautiful calm place! Great photo!

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