The Fisherman’s Net II

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There are two sculptures by Mustafa Senbel that are named “The Fisherman’s Net.” Both of them occupy places along the Corniche, right next to the beautiful blue Red Sea that dominates miles and miles of Jeddah’s coastline. This graceful work of art is made of scrap metal. There are several sculptures that are fashioned in a similar manner, and the beauty of these pieces as they decorate the seascape is that they perfectly compliment the sea and the sky without obstructing them. And at sunset, these sculptures look amazing with the sun peeking through them and the colorful sunsets as their backdrop. Yesterday’s post features another Senbel sculpture, as well as links to more of his works in Jeddah.

About SusieOfArabia

American woman now living in hubby's homeland of Saudi Arabia
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13 Responses to The Fisherman’s Net II

  1. aylarox says:

    i remember playing and having my picture taken at this place. The seaside there’s definitely a place full of great sculptures. I miss Jeddah very much.

  2. Pingback: Sails Sculpture « JEDDAH DAILY PHOTO JOURNAL

  3. Dina says:

    A wonderful sculpture!
    Whenever you mention Red Sea I am reminded how close you are.

  4. Geogypsy says:

    More beautiful sculpture. Like that it’s made from recycled materials.

  5. Jerry M says:

    Another interesting sculpture. If these are all done from a speeding car, I only wonder what you could do standing still.

    • Hi Jerry! Not all of my photos are taken from a speeding car, but a good portion of them are. This one was taken as I was walking along the Corniche and was able to take my time. I’ll usually apologize for the bad quality under the circumstances, if I know it would have turned out better had I shot it under better conditions. If I’m happy with the shot even though it was taken from a speeding car, I usually won’t say anything about it!

      • Jerry M says:

        And here I thought you were always shooting on the move

        I think your shot is good, but I can imagine it might be spectacular with a different angle of the sun. You almost have to plan ahead and just sit on the sculpture until the light is perfect.

  6. Chiara says:

    Fabulous! This one makes me want to fly and swim at the same time! Maybe I’ll just stick to a plan to visit Jeddah! LOL 🙂

  7. Gunn White says:

    Very nice and artistic !

  8. The design is sheer genius.Very impressive.

  9. Dimple says:

    This is a very attractive sculpture!

  10. christina says:

    Great sculpture!
    Thanks for showing all the interesing photos and storys of life over there 🙂

    Christina, Sweden

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